Balance and Brawn

Empowering student athletes: Success in college and beyond.


What is Balance?

Balance is the right amount of any quality, which leads to harmony or evenness—not too much and not too little.

Why is balance important?

Balance is important because it allows for a healthy distribution of time and energy across different aspects of life. It prevents burnout and promotes well-being. Balance helps in making better decisions and living an enjoyable life.

How balance relates to the college experience:

Balance is a key factor in enjoying college. To get through four years easily, it’s good to find stability in your priorities, such as schoolwork, sports, work, and social life.

The posts in this website’s tools section provide more in-depth explanations of navigating balance and how it will benefit you.  

Posts that fall under Balance:

Time Management Skills to Use in College

Why Relationships Matter in College

Balancing Work and Life While in School